At Lakeside we have already seen several patients with problems that have arisen from having to suddenly transition to working from home. While many workplaces are doing their best to accommodate their staff there are a number of pitfalls to watch for.
Patients have come with neck and back pain, as well as symptoms or repetitive strain in their wrist and arm. These problems can develop from:
Inappropriate set-up of desk and chair
a. Desk too high or low (coffee tables!)
b. Chair too high or low or unsupportive (stools!)
c. Sharing desk space (dining tables)
Overuse of the laptop
a. Poor screen angles and keyboard spacing
Tendency to sit for longer when at home
a. Loss of ‘water cooler’ time
b. Long video conferencing calls
Any combination of these factors can contribute to bad postures and muscle fatigue. This in term causes pain and discomfort and further compensatory patterns to develop.
Simple strategies to reduce the risk of injury include:
- Ensuring the home set-up is ergonomic and functional
- Create a separate space for work if possible
- Consider a dedicated monitor, and separate keyboard and mouse
- Schedule in work breaks throughout the day
- Regular Stretching
Video consultations are perfect for this situation as it will allow the clinician to observe your current set up.
If you would like to talk to a clinician regarding this or if you have any other concerns please call Lakeside on 9682 6029.