Myotherapy involves the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions often affecting normal mobility and movement. Pain associated with many of these conditions can be attributed to the activation of trigger points; discrete, hyperirritable regions in the muscle activated by acute trauma or repetitive stress. Our Myotherapists at Lakeside Sports Medicine Centre can assess these conditions and help restore the normal integrity of affected soft tissue structures including muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia around the body.
Studies have shown that certain points in muscle tissue release an excess of the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine generating spontaneous electrical activity. These overactive regions, corresponding to trigger point locations contribute to the contracture of associated muscle fibers which is not seen in surrounding tissue. (Jay, P., Sham, MDl, Elisabeth A. Gilliams, BA (2008). National institutes of Health: 12(4) 371-384.)
Myofascial trigger points (MTrP) are classified as either being ‘active’ or ‘latent’ depending on their clinical characteristics and the pain experienced by the patient differs given this classification.
Active trigger points cause pain even at rest and generate a referred pain pattern felt remote to the MTrP itself. Latent trigger points do not cause pain unless pressure is applied directly to the point but still show adverse effects typical of MTrP’s including decreased range of motion, decreased strength and joint instability.