Lakeside Sports Medicine Centre has a COVIDsafe plan in place complying with the Victorian Government and Department of Health.
We will continue to keep you informed going forward with any further announcements & we thank you for your understanding during this time. You can also stay up to date with us on social media (instagram, facebook & twitter).
The current advice for is for Allied Health Practitioners to continue their important function in providing Healthcare to the community as per the Federal Health Minister’s Statement.
If you have any questions or concerns contact the clinic on 9682 6029 or
Video Consultations are now available using Zoom for those patients who cannot make their appointments in the current climate.
How do I set up for a video session with my practitioner?
- After making an appointment, we will email you an invitation to a scheduled Zoom ‘meeting’ with your practitioner (along with more detailed information regarding this process).
- Receptionist will then phone you in regards to your payment and receipt can be sent via your email.
- At least 5 minutes before the appointment, make sure you are in a private space where you will not be disturbed during your appointment.
- When you are ready, click the link in the email invitation. This will open up a new window where your session will take place.
**Please note you can sign up for a Zoom account however this is not necessary for the consultation to take place.
If you would like to make an appointment for a video consultation or would like further information, please contact the clinic on (03) 9682 6029, email or book via HotDoc
Our friendly staff will provide you with further information
Lakeside Sports Medicine Centre will continue to inform patients about their responsibilities before they book in. We have put screening protocols in place to ensure our safety of our patients and staff.
- Infrared thermometer to check the forehead temperature of staff members and patients.
- Staff members to sign in and sign out each shift.
- Patients are recorded on Practice Management system as per usual. Confirming correct details upon arrival.
- Masks mandatory for all staff and patients.
- Provided hand sanitiser at reception before and after consultation.
- All Linen removed from beds & beds wiped down with appropriate disinfectant after use.
- Disposable linen can be used.
- Waiting area located outside clinic with a 1.5 metre distance between chairs.
- One staff member per 4 square metres of enclosed workspace or shared area.
- Ensure staff are in good health and if they show any symptoms do not attend work.
- If staff shows symptoms, they are required to get tested and self-isolate until results are received.
- Front door must remain open to enhance air flow
- Floor markings in reception area to provide physical distancing guides.
Lakeside Sports Medicine already has strict cleaning measures in place however we continue to step up cleaning of the premises, beds, equipment, door handles and surfaces.
CoVID- 19
In response to the increase in the diagnosed cases of CoVID-19 (novel coronavirus) in Victoria, we would like to provide some advice around how Lakeside is responding to the constantly changing situation. Our response is guided by Department of Health and Human Services of Victoria.
With regards to Social Distancing we have implemented many changes to our operations & we will be continuing hygiene and screening measures to ensure a safe environment.
Our clinicians and staff are acutely aware that CoVID-19 is highly contagious and currently the best defence is hand hygiene – using hand sanitiser or washing your hands with soap and water before and after your consultation. Your safety is our priority.
Therefore, if you have had any of the below symptoms, please visit the closest testing station. Our Clinicians cannot see you until you have been cleared.