Muscles: Quadriceps, Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius
Slow, explosive, high, low, heavy, light, forwards, lateral, reverse. Step ups challenge single leg balance, and build tons of lower limb strength, as well as provide some vertical stimulus.
These are a great addition to your regime regardless of the type of running you do, the versatility is endless, with ability to increase difficulty with little equipment. All you need is park bench, dining chair or a stack of books, and you’re sorted.
1. Step up, step down
Place one foot up on the height, allow the knee to rock forwards. Keeping a tall chest and killing any momentum through the torso. Focus on driving through the front leg rather than pushing off the back foot. Stand up onto the height, finishing tall with open hips. Control the step down, soft contact with the ground.
2. Sprinter step up
Using a lower height, step up finishing tall on one leg, with the other knee in front bent at 90 degrees. This step up is fast and explosive, with quick arms, and finishing with open hips. This extension position is important for running gait.
3. High Lateral Step Down
A good lead up for developing a true single leg squat. Standing side on with one foot over the edge, bend the knee and control the descend down to the floor. Allow the foot to touch the ground, then drive back up to finish tall.